About Us

The Company

The black Périgord truffle is one of the rarest and most delicate ingredients in the world. It has an extremely short shelf life and a short harvesting period of only ten weeks a year.

Manjimup Artisan Truffles partnered up with Alain Fabrègues (MOF), an internationally renowned French chef and truffle artisan to develop a world-first recipe and technique for preserving black Périgord truffle without artificial flavours or aromas, so it can be enjoyed all year round.

Manjimup Artisan Truffles is now able to offer a range of preserved truffles made from all-natural and all Australian ingredients with no artificial flavours or aromas.

Our Story

The Manjimup Artisan Truffle team know truffle.

Chairman, Wally Edwards was one of the pioneers of the truffle industry in Australia planting the first trufferie in Western Australia in 1997. The first step in this journey was picking the right location to grow truffles so they could flourish, Manjimup was chosen by Nick Malajczuk the Australian Truffle scientific expert. It had the right soil, the right climate, and plentiful water. Now Manjimup is the truffle capital of Australia producing well over 90% of all Australia’s truffle.

The next step for the Australian black truffle Industry is to ensure it can be preserved so it can be enjoyed 365 days a year.

Manjimup Artisan Truffles, partnered with acclaimed French Chef Alain Fabrègues MOF. Alain has created a world-first recipe for preserving Tuber Melanosporum truffle which protects the critical flavour notes and texture of the truffle with the use of specialised canning methods. His recipes are based on complementary ingredients which protect the aroma of the truffle.

This recipe is a world-first creation that is made from all-natural and all-Australian ingredients.

Our Truffle


May 2

Manjimup Artisan Truffles was established

Acclaimed French Chef Alain Fabrègues MOF, inspired by his Master who spent 50 years trying to unlock the secret of preserving the black Périgord truffle, has broken the code. Now the world-renowned, Manjimup Winter Black Truffle can be enjoyed 365 days a year.
August 1

Largest Plantation of Truffles in Australia – Oak Valley Truffles

Our team was a guiding force in the planting of Australia’s largest trufferie expanding over 75 hectares with over 38,000 oak and hazel trees.
August 1

Fabrègues Knighted for a Second Time

Alain holds the rare distinction of being knighted twice, with the second honour of Merite National awarded from President Jaques Chirac.
August 1

First Western Australian Truffle Found

The first black truffle was found weighing 168 grams.
August 1

Western Australia’s Trufferie in Manjimup

Manjimup Western Australia was selected to plant the first inoculated oak and hazel saplings with French Truffle spores. This was he beginning of the commercial truffle industry in Australia,
August 1

Alain Fabrègues Knighted by the French Government for his services to professional cookery

Alain was knighted by the French Government for his services to professional cookery receiving the Chevalier du Merite Argicole from President Francois Mitterrand.
June 1

Alain Fabrègues receive the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF)

Alain Fabrègues receive the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF)
Meilleur Ouvrier de France is a unique and prestigious award in France according to the category of trades in a contest among professionals. It is the highest honour attainable by a craftsman in France and very few contestants achieve the title.
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